Here a two great websites that provide lots of great pattern problems. Spotting Numbers Visual Patterns These patterns can be used with elementary students (if you just ask number questions) through advanced algebra (if you include questions about functions). Mathematics is often described as the study of patterns. That is exactly what Spotting Numbers and …
March 2015 archive
Mar 27
CCSSM and PARCC: Finding the Quality Mathematics (there’s plenty)
This posting provides links to various for this presentation made at the Annual ISMAA Meeting in Dekalb, IL on 3/27/2015. My abstract is here. Background CCSSM is here. PARCC page is here. My Common Core Math Standards: Information, Links, and Resources page is here. PARCC The PARCC test has met much criticism (from parents, teachers, …
Mar 26
Grand Challenges and Opportunities in Mathematics Education Research
Grand Challenges and Opportunities in Mathematics Education Research NCTM statement
Mar 26
Minute with Maxwell – Teach
John Maxwell’s minute with Maxwell is on the word Teach. In a couple minutes he hits the nail on the head.
Mar 24
5 Practical Learning Tips Based On How People Do–And Don’t–Learn
5 Practical Learning Tips Based On How People Do–And Don’t–Learn 5 Practical Learning Tips Based On How People Do–And Don’t–Learn
Mar 12
The Myth of Learning Styles
great information The Myth Of Learning Styles Another good article:
Mar 05
It’s time for us to realize….when it comes to assessment
It’s time for us to realize that (1) assessment (of student learning) is harder than one might think (harder than we thought) and (2) increasing our #assessment efforts may not improve student learning. It’s time we use assessment strategically.