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What is a PLN?

A PLN is a Professional Learning Network.  It is also a Personal Learning Network. That is, it is a Professional Learning Network which you personalize for yourself!

These are very useful, make our jobs easier, help us help our student learn more, and are therefore, very important. Here is a good article which details many of the benefits, tools, and tips for PLN’s.

Teachers should go to professional conferences and PD (Professional Development) workshops (which, unfortunately cost time and money, but it’s a good investment). This page focuses mainly on electronic (and free) PLN’s.

Each teacher should find a PLN that works for them.

How to Grow (Build) a PLN

Many options. Here’s a nice article: How to Grow a PLN.

Options for a PLN

Here are a few options (other exist):

  • Twitter – Here’s a video for using Twitter. (Twitter is one of my [Jim Olsen] main tools in my PLN. It leads me to many resources.)
  • NCTM – the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is a great organization. All math teachers should join. They have a MyNCTM area and a daily digest where math teachers ask and answer questions and share.
  • Edmodo – Edmodo is a learning management system, but also can be used as a PLN. It is widely used in K-12 education.
  • edWeb – they have free Webinars and more
  • LinkedIn – one of it’s main functions is as a PLN.
  • Pinterest – This may not be your main tool, but it can be used to save all the cool ideas you get using your PLN.
  • Google + (Plus) – Google product.

Video and Graphic

Short, introductory video:

Every Teacher Should Have a Personal Learning Network: