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Tech Competencies

Brainstorming on technology competencies for math (including) elementary teachers.

  1. Equation Editor
  2. Desmos
  3. Pulling graphics from Desmos
  4. GeoGebra
  5. Pulling graphics from GeoGebra.
  6. Screen capture of (still) graphics and tool to do simple edits of graphics (including, but not limited to cropping).
  7. Putting graphics into Word (and PowerPoint), including, but not limited to resizing, grouping, layering.
  8. Google drive. Including the ability to share a file (make it sharable and provide a link).
  9. Spreadsheets (probably Excel) including computations and graphs.
  10. Making a website.  Basic concepts:
    1. Pages
    2. Posts
    3. Graphics
    4. Links
    5. Headers
    6. Menus.
  11. PLN – might be social media. Including a system to curate resources and having people (‘experts’) to ‘follow.’
  12. Prepare lesson plans with technology.
  13. Prepare instructional materials with technology. Including print materials and electronic materials.
  14. Use technology, including dynamic representations, during instruction.
  15. Use technology as a tool to assist in assessment activities. Including record-keeping.