Category: Brain-based-learning

How gesture and movement help us think

From Annie Murphy Paul @anniemurphypaul Exciting new ideas about how gesture and movement help us think Jordan Ellenberg hates PowerPoint slides. And whiteboards. For him (and for his fellow math professors at the University of Wisconsin-Madison), it’s an old-fashioned blackboard or bust. “It’s part of the folk wisdom of mathematicians,” he told me in a …

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Instrumental and Relational Understanding

Good article on instrumental and relational understanding. Focus on Relational Understanding

Make Your Daughter Practice Math. She’ll Thank You Later. (And by the way your son, too.)

Good opinion-editorial piece. I think it does deemphasize conceptual understanding problem-solving and may over-emphasize practice, but overall this is a good article. I like the analogy of doing math in playing a musical instrument.

Stick that in your head

Here’s a ‘quote’ I came up with on one of my runs one day. Someday I should turn this into a lecture. Perhaps uttered at the end of a class period: Stick that in your head, so that when you need it, you’ll have it. More fully: Stick that in your head, so that when …

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Parenting, math, and the Growth Mindset

Evidence Based Teaching Strategies

Top 10 Evidence Based Teaching Strategies

I want math to be realistic and meaningful

realistic: I take this from Flickr from CU-Boulder and Freudenthal Institute US hosted the Fifth Realistic Mathematics Education conference, or RME5, in September of 2015.  Realistic: imaginable, realizable, not just “real-world” Meaningful: significant, relevant, important, consequential, telling, material, valid, worthwhile (antonyms: inconsequential) 1. having a serious, important, or useful quality or purpose. “making our …

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Notes from Ted Talk on Memory. Joshua Foer: Feats of memory anyone can do See the Notes-from-Ted-Talk-on-Memory I took.

5 Practical Learning Tips Based On How People Do–And Don’t–Learn

5 Practical Learning Tips Based On How People Do–And Don’t–Learn   5 Practical Learning Tips Based On How People Do–And Don’t–Learn