Spring 2021 Websites

Miya Christiansen: https://miyaswebpage.wordpress.com/

Brianna Gorsuch: https://mathwithmissg650681653.wordpress.com/

These are the Spring 2021 Math 304 students.

A few notes on making web sites

Tools for making webpages (web sites).


  • (blog) Posts – more timely, often shorter, specific to one topic. Have categories and tags.
  • Pages – often more long-term. Could be more lengthy. (Pages do not have categories or tags.)
  • Can use blocks or not use blocks
  • To edit, append /wp-admin (there is more than one editing environment)

Google Sites

  • Uses Blocks (blocks of code, of information on the webpage)
  • Uses pages (no posts yet)




Instrumental and Relational Understanding

Good article on instrumental and relational understanding.

Focus on Relational Understanding

Putting Synthesis back in Bloom.

Benjamin Bloom published his taxonomy in 1956. In 2001, the categories were revised. Synthesis was taken out and Creating put in (among other smaller changes).

Erik Francis points out (article link below) the importance for learner to synthesize and puts it back in.  Creating is kept. Now there are 7 levels of understanding.



An angle inscribed in a semicircle

Hereis a tweet with a nice proof of the theorem that is the namesake of this website https://twitter.com/professorbrenda/status/1323095111954288640?s=21

3 Great WIU Graduates Teaching MS Math

These guys are teaching math and helping students in many ways.

Read the full story here (from WIU website).

Read the full story here (from McDonough County Voice Newspaper).

Tostitos fiesta bowl – some of the best highlights of all time


Look at problems as a diamond, with multiple facets, and not as a coin, With only two sides


Leadership is clarity, transparency, support, and trust

Leadership is

  • clarity, set goals & purpose. Cast a vision
  • transparency, Communication
  • support, Do you have tools
  • trust, and empower them to be creative, and failure is OK.

Nathan Karsjens website

Nathan Karsjens website is https://mednathan.wordpress.com/

Nathan is a mathematics major in secondary teacher education at Western Illinois University (and a Leatherneck football player).