Author's posts

90 Best Math Blogs for Students and Mathematics Teachers

90 Best Math Blogs for Students and Mathematics Teachers – posted 1-9-2025. Wow, a lot here.

AI in Schools – and ACE

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is on the uptick (that was an easy statement). AI use in schools, by teachers in particular, has potential (and is on the increase). Here are a few links which may help. AI ready to hit its stride in schools in 2025 –  article from 12-31-2024. Always Center Educators in Instructional LoopsTo …

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Two HS Students find the First Trigonometric Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem

This is a wonderful story. Ne’Kiya Jackson & Calcea Johnson, two high school students, have found new proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem and published them in The American Mathematical Monthly (Volume 131, Issue 9, November 2024). The article is titled, “Five or Ten New Proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem.” This is the first time that …

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September is a warm-up month for December

From a calendar standpoint. (What follows is for a non-leap year.) That is Sept. and Dec. start on the same day. Other than the extra day in Dec., the calendar features match up. For example, if one has 5 Sundays, so does the other; if one has Friday the 13th, so does the other. Of …

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The top 20 principles of Teaching & Learning

From InnerDrive. The top 20 principles of Teaching & Learning

10! seconds is how many weeks?

Pretty cool!

ICTM – Hands-on Division with Fractions for Student Understanding

On Saturday, October 7, 2023, I’m presenting at the ICTM Annual Conference in Naperville, IL, at 3:00 pm. I’m presenting with one of  my students, Cailey Platt. The title of our presentation is: Hands-on Division with Fractions for Student Understanding. Links to the handouts and slides for the presentation can be found here. (or use …

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Retirement Reflections (in reverse chronological order)

Most recent dates are here at the top. Getting Ready for Big Trip We basically had 2 weeks from the ICTM Conference to departing for Washington, DC. I fixed the chess board in the backyard. Long overdue. Eric and I made it (for 4H) many years ago. Planted some grass. Dug out the good compost …

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WALDO – Workflowing the Amazing Lesson Design Outline

This Google doc is comprehensive teaching methods course and education research course rolled up into one document organized into clickable links. It is compiled by Miguel Guhlin. It include most all of the aspects of the teaching enterprise (including pre-assessment, edtech, instruction, assessment, and reflection). Included are also the effect size of approaches and research …

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How gesture and movement help us think

From Annie Murphy Paul @anniemurphypaul Exciting new ideas about how gesture and movement help us think Jordan Ellenberg hates PowerPoint slides. And whiteboards. For him (and for his fellow math professors at the University of Wisconsin-Madison), it’s an old-fashioned blackboard or bust. “It’s part of the folk wisdom of mathematicians,” he told me in a …

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