Ed Tech

A few pages on using technology as a teacher. More can be found in Pinterest and my other pages.

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Top Ten Lists for Using Technology to Help Jr. High and High School Students Learn Mathematics (by Jim Olsen)

Tech Competencies

Brainstorming on technology competencies for math (including) elementary teachers. Equation Editor Desmos Pulling graphics from Desmos GeoGebra Pulling graphics from GeoGebra. Screen capture of (still) graphics and tool to do simple edits of graphics (including, but not limited to cropping). Putting graphics into Word (and PowerPoint), including, but not limited to resizing, grouping, layering. Google …

Top 3 People and a Guide

Three people to follow Tony Vincent – @tonyvincent iPad guru. Other tech as well. Realistic. Web: http://learninginhand.com/ Jane Hart – @C4LPT All things edtech. Runs Web: http://c4lpt.co.uk/ Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies. Has a nice Tools Directory and Top 100 (200?) Tools. Richard Byrne – @rmbyrne Web: http://www.freetech4teachers.com/ The Practical Ed Tech Handbook (Guide) By Richard Byrne …


I think the 2 most important tech tools for math teachers are Desmos GeoGebra Desmos* is a very intuitive graphing calculator which is useful for middle school through Calculus. Desmos also has a Classroom Activities area. Desmos really cares about the student in the classroom and making their products easy t use and making their …


GeoGebra is fantastic! Somewhat ‘old’ page, but still accurate: http://geogebraatwiu.pbworks.com/w/page/3658698/Geogebra%20FrontPage

Google Classroom

What is Google Classroom? Google Classroom

TI-Calculator Emulators

Texas Instruments offers emulator software for (many of) their calculators. Windows or Mac software can be downloaded and run. There is a free 90-day trial. TI-30XS link TI-84 family link

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

Good website: http://www.educatorstechnology.com/ The graphic below shows 9 fundamental digital skills today’s teachers need. For Math teachers 4 important preliminary skills needed (to do many of the 9 listed) are how to: generate graphics generate math graphs generate math notation screen clipping. Here’s the graphic: 9-fundamental-Skills-tech-teachers   Save Save Save Save

SMARTBoard Demonstration

Introduction-Interactive-White-Boards-2017 (PowerPoint) SMART Notebook file to use for demonstration – Click HERE for the google drive file

Social Media

Miscellaneous Social Media takes: 5 Twitter Tips for Newbies http://www.craigbadura.com/2017/01/5-twitter-tips-for-newbies.html?utm_content=buffercfa19&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer – (BTW, I had the pleasure of teaching and coach Craid Badura when he was in high school.)

LaTeX (and TeX)

I have a LaTeX (and TeX) page over at edtech.drjimo.net

Speech Recognition

Sometimes I’m in the mood to use Speech Recognition (in Windows 10) (Hit start) Speech Recognition The ‘box’ stays on top. There are three modes. Right click the box to see the three modes and see other options. Can say ‘select apple’ (if more than one selected say the number and ‘OK’) Correct ‘father’ cancel …