Category: Teaching

3 Things Students Want to Hear

I want math to be realistic and meaningful

realistic: I take this from Flickr from CU-Boulder and Freudenthal Institute US hosted the Fifth Realistic Mathematics Education conference, or RME5, in September of 2015.  Realistic: imaginable, realizable, not just “real-world” Meaningful: significant, relevant, important, consequential, telling, material, valid, worthwhile (antonyms: inconsequential) 1. having a serious, important, or useful quality or purpose. “making our …

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Improving Our Schools From the Inside Out

@DrOlsen314: Improving Our Schools From the Inside Out #Teachers make the difference #DoSomething #edchat #TouchLives Things are tough in the schools. Teachers, through their will, strengths, creativity, and heart, can, and do, make a difference for students. 

13 Rules that Expire

Great article from Teaching Children Mathematics,Volume 21, Issue 1, Page 18:  13 Rules that Expire …avoid using these… Overgeneralizing commonly accepted strategies, using imprecise vocabulary, and relying on tips and tricks that do not promote conceptual mathematical understanding can lead to misunderstanding later in students’ math careers. These are good guidelines for teachers (and students …

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Minute with Maxwell – Teach

John Maxwell’s minute with Maxwell is on the word Teach. In a couple minutes he hits the nail on the head.

The Myth of Learning Styles

great information The Myth Of Learning Styles Another good article: